- or How to add achievements in ScummVM.
Have you ever had the need to redirect output from a console application into your application, either for monitoring, integration or "user friendliness"?I will walk through 2 scenarios - and sprinkle them with a bit of extras.
Getting the window handle of the console application, and then just set the parent to the handle of another windows control, is not redirecting or capturing anything. It just appears that you application has some "nerdy" thing going on - it seems that some people mistrust console windows (read here) - even open source is mistrusted these days (read here), how contradicting it that? :-D
Well back to the code - this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
H := FindWindow('ConsoleWindowClass', 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe');
if H<>0 then
WinApi.Windows.SetParent(H, Memo1.Handle);
SetWindowPos(H, 0, 0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS);
Not really useful - and remember to terminate the process of the console when you close the form. Notice I did use a TMemo as place holder, you will see why later.
Now to something useful - a useful tool when working with window handles and figuring out what is going on in Windows - Greatis WinDowse.
Back to the scenarios of interest.
Scenario 1: Redirecting STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR from a process created/started by you.
Every process has 3 default handles (not windows handles) - an input, output and error (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR). So if we as the previous example would like to know the version of the currently installed Java version - a bit hard to keep up with :-DWe first need to set the security attributes and create the pipe read and write handles. Then we need to fill the TStartupInfo record structure, to enable the redirection to our just create pipe handles. And then we create/start the process using the pipes, since the CreateProcess command has the ability to use these.
procedure TForm1.CaptureConsoleOutput(const cmd, param: String; CallBackProc:
secAttr: TSecurityAttributes = (
nLength: SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes);
bInheritHandle: True);
bufSize = 2400;
rPipe: THandle;
wPipe: THandle;
suiRec: TStartupInfo;
piRec: TProcessInformation;
dRun, dAvail, dRead: DWORD;
rBuf: array [0..bufSize] of AnsiChar;
if CreatePipe(rPipe, wPipe, @secAttr, 0) then
FillChar(suiRec, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), #0);
suiRec.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo);
suiRec.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
suiRec.hStdInput := rPipe;
suiRec.hStdOutput := wPipe;
suiRec.hStdError := wPipe;
if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(cmd+' '+param), @secAttr, @secAttr, True,
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, suiRec, piRec) then
dRun := WaitForSingleObject(piRec.hProcess, 100);
PeekNamedPipe(rPipe, nil, 0, nil, @dAvail, nil);
if (dAvail > 0) then
dRead := 0;
ReadFile(rPipe, rBuf[0], bufSize, dRead, nil);
rBuf[dRead] := #0;
OemToCharA(rBuf, rBuf);
until (dRead < bufSize);
until (dRun <> WAIT_TIMEOUT);
Notice the use of the anonymous procedure type - defined as:
TArg<T> = reference to procedure(const Arg: T);
Which enables us from the button to call our capture procedure as follows:
procedure(const Line: PAnsiChar)
Thanks goes to Lars Fosdal for that nice approach. Also be aware that if you call CreateProcess with the 2nd parameter as a string const you will get an AV - from the MSDN documentation:
The Unicode version of this function, CreateProcessW, can modify the contents of this string. Therefore, this parameter cannot be a pointer to read-only memory (such as a const variable or a literal string). If this parameter is a constant string, the function may cause an access violation.
So we now ended up with something like this:
You could of course in this case use the normal redirect and pipe commands, and end up with a file, that you then read and parsed - but not very elegant.
Scenario 2: Capturing STDOUT on a process not started by you.
Picture that you want to monitor a console output from a process not started by you or a sub process initiated from the program you are using. Then the previous scenario will not do.As an example we will use the program ScummVM, monitor its debug output to figur out when certain things happens in a game.
If you do not know what ScummVM is you should go their homepage and download it to your favourite platform, grab one of the freeware games and enjoy the rest of the weekend :-). The team has over the years done a great job, reimplementing the engines of many (all) the old classics - like Monkey Island or Sierras Quests series.
A bit of background: I had just finished off an update of a translation for ScummVM, being ready for the upcoming 1.7.0 version, when I looked at the various command line options, and thought I could have some fun with that.
You can see a video here, of the PoC I did by hooking into the debug output - I did state it as a "fix" - but there is nothing broken in ScummVM - it was a "fix" to the itch I had for getting achievements in some older games - Just to make that clear :-D.
First we need to define a reference to the external function AttachConsole, that for some reason isn't included in the Winapi.Windows unit as I would have expected.
function AttachConsole(dwProcessId: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'AttachConsole';
We then create a function to return the STDOUT pipe handle, on the given process id for the console application.
function TForm1.AttachAndGetConsolewPipe(ProcessId: Cardinal): Cardinal;
if not AttachConsole(ProcessId) then
raise Exception.Create('AttachConsole error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
Result := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
raise Exception.Create('GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
And a procedure to free it again.
procedure TForm1.DettachConsole;
if not FreeConsole then
raise Exception.Create('FreeConsole error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
Note that since a process can only be associated with 1 console, the FreeConsole needs no process id. You can also take a look at the AllocConsole function.
Now we only need a function that reads the buffer from the STDOUT pipe (wPipe), using the GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo and the ReadConsoleOutput WinAPI functions.
function TForm1.ReadConsole(wPipe: Cardinal): TStringList;
BufSize, BufCoord: _COORD;
ReadRegion: _SMALL_RECT;
Buf: Array of _CHAR_INFO;
I, J: Integer;
Line: AnsiString;
Result := TStringList.Create;
ZeroMemory(@BufInfo, SizeOf(BufInfo));
if not GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(wPipe, BufInfo) then
raise Exception.Create('GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
SetLength(Buf, BufInfo.dwSize.X * BufInfo.dwSize.Y);
BufSize.X := BufInfo.dwSize.X;
BufSize.Y := BufInfo.dwSize.Y;
BufCoord.X := 0;
BufCoord.Y := 0;
ReadRegion.Left := 0;
ReadRegion.Top := 0;
ReadRegion.Right := BufInfo.dwSize.X;
ReadRegion.Bottom := BufInfo.dwSize.Y;
if ReadConsoleOutput(wPipe, Pointer(Buf), BufSize, BufCoord, ReadRegion) then
for I := 0 to BufInfo.dwSize.Y - 1 do
Line := '';
for J := 0 to BufInfo.dwSize.X - 1 do
Line := Line + Buf[I * BufInfo.dwSize.X + J].AsciiChar;
raise Exception.Create('ReadConsoleOutput error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
Finally we can on the 3rd button put the following code:
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
pid: Cardinal;
sout: Cardinal;
H := FindWindow('ConsoleWindowClass', 'ScummVM Status Window');
if H<>0 then
GetWindowThreadProcessId(H, pid);
sout := AttachAndGetConsolewPipe(pid);
Memo1.Lines := ReadConsole(sout);
Then before we try our code, we want - as an example start scummvm.exe with the following parameters: -d6 queen (which requires that you have download ScummVM and the game "Flight of the Amazon Queen", and added the game), any other process would do, just figure out the window handle of the console window, and change the title parameter of the last FindWindow call.
We will stop for now, but using the ShowWindow call and a timer you could hide the console window, and continuous update your output memo, searching the text for hints/events - a simple pos function is probably the fastest.
In the video I originally used the AnimateWindow function to slide a "achievement" form (FormStyle=fsStayOnTop) in from the right, but the ScreenRecorder software wanted to be on the top, so....
Go and support the ScummVM project, and buy some of the classic games from gog.com through their site. BTW: You can also buy or upgrade any EMBT product by clicking the ad in the top right corner of my blog. :-)
Actually yesterday I tried to redirect output from a console application into my application for monitoring, but I failed. I work mostly with mobile apps development, but sometimes I develop web software. Probably I have to read more articles to succeed in this task.
ReplyDeleteHi Caroline,
ReplyDeleteI need a bit more detail - do you launch/create the console process yourself? What type of application do you want to do the monitoring. I guess I got confused by the mentioning of mobile apps and web software :-)
Hi Steffen.
DeleteI like your idea for achievements in old games (king quest series, quest for glory etc).
I would love to see an emulator like ScummVM or dosbox implement an achievement system. There are some guys who did the same but for console games. You might get some ideas from them about how they do it. http://retroachievements.org/
Good luck with your project
Hi Jon,
ReplyDeleteThanks, it was more intended as an example to capture output from processes. And thanks for the link - they do it differently since they do emulators that monitors RAM for the changes specified for an achievement. My example is a lot more simple - but still deciding/defining what would make a good achievement - is the hardest part, if you do not only want to end up with a score counter. Achievements should add something new to the game experience. The ScummVM team isn't that thrilled about the achievements, and I don't ever think it will be an option within the engines api. I did put the youtube link on ScummVM and GOG.com forums - and it kind of split the waters :-D
I did think about following this post up with a couple of extra parts - achievement editor and "social scoreboard" - but not really any supported finalized launcher/toolbox.
In case we get a rainy and cold winter - the extra posts might happen - but doing the achievements takes time, and does also spoil the "fun" when you know where you "hid" them. But let me know what could make playing some of the old games extra nice. Achievements should be optional like subtitles in a movie - because some people find them distracting.
BTW: Look what Ron Gilbert is up to these days: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thimbleweedpark/thimbleweed-park-a-new-classic-point-and-click-adv